

Eggs to flour 1:100 ratio

  • 4 room temperature eggs 
  • ​​400g  tipo “00” or all-purpose flour 
  • Semolina flour for dusting 

See Tips for important ingredient information


  1. Make a flour well with the eggs in the center.  Gradually mix the eggs into the flour mixture until combined.
  2. Knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic (~15 min)
  3. Wrap the ball of dough in plastic wrap and  refrigerate for at least 30 min  or overnight. The dough is ready when it passes the “poke-spring-back” test.
  4. Divide the ball, working in ¼ at a time, keeping the remaining covered. Crank through the pasta maker, stepping from #1 through #7.
  5. Sprinkle your working surface with semolina flour and lay the pasta sheet flat and let rest for about 10 min. 
  6. Loosely roll into a cylinder and cut into  ¾” wide slices.
  7.  Cook in heavily salted, boiling  water for 1-3 min.


  • Use fresh, free-range quality eggs at room temperature
  • Use double-zero flour (sometimes labeled as “soft wheat”). It’s a super-fine grind and will be less chewy than all-purpose flour
  • Dough needs downtime! The gluten strands need time to  relax and the flour to hydrate. No rest makes it more dense and harder to work with. The higher the yolk content, the more it needs to rest. In other cases, when making with only yolks, dough needs to rest for 6 hours. (Not applicable here since we’re using  the egg whites).
  • Freeze fresh pasta noodles: Toss the noodles in a little flour to keep them from sticking and let air dry for about an hour before freezing. The frozen pasta noodles will last for eight months.

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